Dijon - France 25 - 30 June 2000

Lifetime Achievement Awards in Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines

Hanack, Michael

Universität Tübingen, Germany
"Phthalocyanines and Materials Science: 20 Years of Research"

Kenney, Malcolm

Case Western Reserve University, USA
"Silicon Phthalocyanines - Synthesis, Characterization and Uses"

Ogoshi, Hisanobu

Fukui National College of Technology, Japan
"New Aspects of Multifunctional Porphyrins - Renaisscence of Porphyrin Chemistry"

Vogel, Emanuel

Universität zu Köln, Germany
"Porphyrin: A "Leitstruktur" par Excellence"


JPP Young Award Winners

Burrell, Anthony

Massey University, New Zealand
"Synthetic Routes to Porphyrin Assemblies"

Hayashi, Takashi

Kyushu University, Japan
"Architecture of Molecular Recognition Systems by Use of Porphyrin Derivatives and Hemoproteins"

McKeown, Neil

University of Manchester, United Kingdom
"Towards the Synthesis of Phthalocyanine Network Polymers with Bespoke Structures"

Schlettwein, Derck Universität Bremen, Germany
"Interfacial Charge Transfer at Vapor - Deposited Thin Films of Phthalocyanines and Related Materials"

Group photos of Award Winners